Who is BCC Media?

BCC Media is a non-profit media center that produces and distributes content with positive and Christian values.

As part of the reorganization of an association within Brunstad Christian Church (BCC), the media operations was split out into a separate foundation called BCC Media in September 2020, and was, at the same time, included as part of the BCC federation.

BCC Media has a clear mission to bring the message of the Bible to life and make it accessible to children and youth worldwide through the use of modern technology and digital platforms.

Our purpose

The purpose of the Media foundation is to disseminate the Christian faith and teachings in line with BCCs beliefs to all people through media production, distribution and other use of electronic media and tools.

Our history


The Media foundation’s history began in 1998, when BCC started with TV broadcasts from annual evangelical events and conferences, so that the message could be conveyed to far more than just those who could travel to Brunstad.

BrunstadTV creates multi-camera productions and broadcasts them directly from conventions and events under the auspices of BCC every year.


In 2011, BrunstadTV was established as BCC’s TV channel, with its own program production and broadcast area.

During six intense months in the autumn of 2010, with the help of a group of enthusiastic coworkers, the channel was built up to stand on its own feet. TV buses were purchased to be able to produce TV broadcasts from various places at home and abroad, and personnel were trained by professional technicians.

Under the direction of project management, the employees were challenged in the areas of idea- and concept development. Through targeted, goal-oriented work, TV programs with positive Christian values were created.


BrunstadTV had now been running for 5 years, with an ever-increasing operation, in the number of broadcast minutes, resources involved, available technology, and production in more and more genres. In 2016, investments were made in new equipment to the value of approx. 20 million Norwegian kroner (2.5 million US dollars) with further investments planned for the coming years.

The investment confirmed that BrunstadTV is committed to be an attractive and positive program for the channel’s viewers and contributors.

In 2016 BrunstadTV also created its own YouTube channel where positive TV content for children and young people is shared.


When society shut down in connection with the Corona pandemic and it was no longer possible to gather physically, an extensive mobilization was made so that church life could continue online.

A new interactive TV studio was built and BCC Media’s mobile app was upgraded with new features. In this way, many people could participate interactively in the broadcasts and get an experience of being together virtually.

In the autumn of 2020, the media business was spun off into a separate foundation, and was named BCC Media.


On April 2, the TV channel celebrated its 10th anniversary, and the investment in interactive content is greater than ever before. There has been a development in focus areas, assignments, as well as organizational form, but the foundation’s identity and driving force is the same as when the first satellite broadcasts went on air in 1998.

BCC Media will continue to be a pulsating media center that conveys the Christian faith and teachings in line with Brunstad Christian Church’s beliefs through the use of electronic media and tools.

Vålerveien 159
NO-1599 MOSS

E-mail: info@bcc.media
Tel.: +47 24 07 78 80
Org. no.: 925 564 257

Vålerveien 159
1599 MOSS

E-post: info@bcc.media
Tlf.: 24 07 78 80
Org.nr. 925 564 257